Last week I was telling a lunch companion how important it is to me that young people connect with the concepts in my public art projects so they can be exposed, early on, to the tools of conscious leadership. All of the sudden, a vision for a children's book based on my Be the Light project popped into my mind's eye, as clear as day.
For a long time, I've wanted to write a "children's" book. I just love those books that call upon us to step into the wonder and awe of our childhood to explore ideas that can serve us at any age. There are several I really admire, including "What Do You Do With An Idea," and "The Three Questions." Inspired by those, I pulled out a stack of blank paper and began to write. In just a few hours, I had a crudely illustrated draft.
While I've sought to share leadership concepts with kids for a long time, I've wondered if I could tap into my inner child to find the right voice. Dusting off my first-grade drawing skills helped me find that child-like wonder and helped me get my ideas on paper.
This isn't the only time I've looked to the inner child to propel forward movement. In fact, it's a tool I use when coaching people who are at a crossroads.
Maybe tapping into your inner child can help you, too. If there is a decision you need to make and you have several options before you, ask yourself, "Which one feels lighter, more playful?" Usually there is a clear choice. By following the voice of the inner child, we move away from society's view of what we should do and move toward our more true self.
When is the last time you let your inner child come out to frolic? If it's been a while, think about what you can do to release her or him. What would it look like to do something playful today? How could you make decisions that would result in more fun?
The laborious, serious path may feel like it's right because you learned the value of "hard work." What would happen if you shifted that value to "spirited work?" Consider how diligent children are when taking on a task they love. They're focused, creative and full of life. When we're engaged in spirited work, we find flow and even tap into moments of greatness.
This week, I'll be editing the book that poured out of me last week. I'll look for agents and will start writing other books inspired by my public art projects. And while I will also have my head down on important work that feels hard, I'll balance it out with this playful frolicking. I hope to see you on the playground!
Ready to Flourish?
This week we're on to Session Two of our fourth RESET program for transitioning veterans and their spouses. Last week, we focused on archetypes, or storylines that form our view of who we are in the world. This week we'll take a look at values, challenging whether those that we're living with are really our own. While this is the last RESET program in 2017, if you're interested in the program, contact me so we can get you on a list for future sessions.
On Thursday, we conducted our second Flourishing for Entrepreneurs. An outstanding group of women went on a journey to articulate their brand and themselves in a whole new way. Leaving inspired, each person has action steps to take to lead them to a bigger, bolder, more authentic life.
On October 20th and 21st, I'll be holding the next Flourishing Workshop. This session, geared toward Midlife Seekers, gives people in transition a map for the future. If you're wondering what's next, or feeling like the life you've created just isn't as fulfilling or meaningful as you had hoped, consider joining us for this rousing experience. We know you'll leave with more clarity and passion that you can use to author an inspired life. Register now!»