Last week I went to a meditation led by Jonathan Foust on ethical livelihood. Ethical livelihood, or "Right Work," is the idea that your job can be the deepest expression of yourself. When you are immersed in "Right Work," you are not sacrificing your ideals for money. In fact, sharing the gifts that only you can give is the most authentic way to earn a living.
Jonathan asked some great questions for reflection. We invite you to spend a few moments of inquiry on these:
- What are the lessons or opportunities for me right now in how I'm showing up in my relationship with others at work?
- What are my greatest areas for growth and transformation?
- If I want to live a life of no regret, is what I'm doing supporting that?
- When I think of my expression in the world, what lights me up?
Finding your path is your path. If you don't know what lights you up, start paying attention. Do the things you love to do and do them well. Be spirited in your work and your path will reveal itself.
Need inspiration?
An excerpt from a poem by Steven Taylor:
"Your deepest drive is to expand outside yourself
to slip through the net which is tightly wound around your mind
and stretch and spread through space, beyond separateness
to embrace the world, to enfold and absorb her vastness
and become part of her oneness."
Want to go deeper?
Reflection is critical for personal growth and leadership development. We created this beautiful set of cards that will lead you to deeper inquiry about yourself and how you see the world. Order yours at our Etsy Shop.